‘The opera of the falling’ is a poetic and visual study of the loneliness of sorrow. It’s a Virtual Reality Opera, inspired by interviews with people with a psychological vulnerabilities. With psychiatry as a mirror of the world we live in, the experience calls for reflection and invokes universal recognition.
Concept & Director: Celine Daemen Art director: Aron Fels composition: Amarante Nat actress & singer: Sterre Konijn Libretto: Olivier Herter Sound Engineer: Wouter Snoei Spatial Sound Engineer: Daniël Berends & Franscesco Robustelli Character Rig: Louise van Putten Producer: Cas Ketel Artistic Coach: Romain Bischoff illustration: Ronja Ida Weia graphic design: Mees Walter Marketing: Marita Hamers With Thanks to: Employees, experience experts and patients of Mondriaan GGZ.